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教师资格证英语教学设计:《What time do you go to school?》

编辑:育德园师      2021-04-27


1. 题目:What time do you go to school? 

2. 内容:

Interviewer: Tom, I want to know about your day.

Tom: OK.

Interviewer: When do you get up?

Tom: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually about half past five. Then I run at six o’clock.

Interviewer: You run at six in the morning?

Tom: Uh-huh.

Interviewer: And what time do you eat breakfast?

Tom: Breakfast? Usually about seven. And then I usually go to school at quarter to eight.

Interviewer: Wow!And you go home at...?

Tom: A quarter past four in the afternoon.

Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening?

Tom: I do my homework at about five thirty, and I eat dinner at seven fifteen. I go to bed at nine o’clock.

Interviewer: That’s early! But then you get up early.

Tom: Uh-huh.

3. 要求:




Teaching aims

1) Knowledge aim

Students will be able to master the new words, phrases and sentences.

2) Ability aim

Students can improve their listening skills by listening to the tape.

3) Emotional aim

Students can talk about their time table freely.

Important and difficult points

1) Important point

Students will be guided to master the new words and practice the dialogue.

2) Difficult point

Students will improve their listening skills as well as the ability to use the new words and sentences to communicate freely.

Teaching and learning methods

Situational teaching method; communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method; group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Lead in

Teacher will present some pictures of the activities to help them review the knowledge they learned before.

Step 2: Pre-listening

a) Showing a clock. Students will be asked “what time is it?” and answer the questions.

b) Group work. Teacher will ask students to talk about their time table. They will share their ideas in group. They will be asked to introduce their conclusion in front of the class.

Step 3: While-listening

Teacher will ask students to listen to the radio and finish exercise. Then teacher will play the tape of the listening material again, and ask students to answer the question.

Step 4: Post-listening

Activity one: Acting out the dialogue

Teacher will let the students read the dialogue and then act it out.

Activity two: Pair work

Teacher will divide the class into four groups. Students talk about their schedule.

Step 5: Summary and homework

a) Summary

Teacher will let them to summarize what they have learned in this class.

b) Homework

Write a report on weekend survey.

Blackboard design

What time do you go to school?

--- What time do you eat breakfast?

--- At six o’clock.

quarter to eight = 7:45

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